
Transformers prime MLP To Save Equestria part 12

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Literature Text

Ponyville, A makeshift Medical tent built for Ironhide.

"I've done my best to stop the blee..Well what would constitute as Bleeding for an Autobot." said Dr Hooves. "But other than that well..I'm not a mechanic. Much less an expert in the way his systems work." Skids, Mudflap, Wheeljack, The mane 5, Spike and Shining were all standing around Ironhide. It didn't look good. Ironhide's damages were sever and he had lost a lot of fluid while Big Mac was pulling him back to Ponyville. A makeshift transfusion of energon from Wheeljack and the Twins had kept him going for the time being. (It wasn't by Autobot terms Standard but it did the job.) Big Mac looked at his battle damaged friend with sadness. Applejack tried consul her brother. "Mac, Please. Ya gotta get some sleep. you were pulling him all day." But Mac wasn't leaving." Sorry sis but I ain't leaving here unless Ironhide's walking out on two legs." Unfortunately, Ironhide had lost a leg in the fight with cons and lings. Skids had Ironhide's hand in his while his brother and Wheeljack looked on with worry and dread. Noway was Irohide, After all the battles he had been through, going out like this.

"So far as I can tell. His mechcaniics are designed to function like a living beings." Dr Hooves stated. "HE IS A LIVING BEING!" Dash yelled. "THEY ALL WERE!" "Yes I know." Dr Hooves assured her. "But the problem is his well.."Injuries" are to extensive. And I've never really..." Mac got up in the Doctor's face. "Hey Dude. I don't care even if haven't worked on an Autobot before. YOU BETTER NOT LOSE THIS ONE!" Wheeljack would have been all with Mac. But in this realm there was very little they could do for Ironhide. "MAC Calm down." Applejack said trying to steady her Brother. "Can't get a pulse." A nurse annouced. Skids Mudflap panicked. "DUDE IRONHIDE GOT NO PULSE DO SOMETHING!" "NEITHER OF US DO DUMMY!" Wheeljack Shouted. "WE'RE MADE OF METAL!" Ironhide spoke in strained words. "Mac..Macky boy..." Big Mac had his hoof in Ironhide's hand. "I'm right here Ironhide." Ironhide grinned at his loyal friend. "Yeah Done Enough...Macky Boy....Get some rest. I'll be just..Bzzz. Just....Bzzz" "This is no good." Skids yelled "We need Ratchet." "Yeah, Well Unfortunately Bro." Mudflap stated. "He's kinda in the universe next door." "BLAST IT!" shouted Wheeljack slamming his fist to the ground. This shook everyone off their feet. As well as some medical supplies. "WATCH IT!" Dr Hooves yelled.

Just then Twilight remembered something. "WAIT A MINUTE! We can get you guys back and get Ironhide help. Princess Celestia found the spell remember!" This was good news for the bots. "Wait a minute. Twily." Shining said sadly. "Princess Luna gave Optimus the spell when he surrendered. And for all we know they're probably already gone." Twilight and everyone's hearts sank. "Don't think so." stated Soaring. "Our scouts still report seeing the flying trash heap in the sky." "Well Alright We still got time." Dash said excitedly. "Oh Yeah sister." said Skids. "Let's fire up that spell, Get Ironhide fixed and Kick some Decepti chops." He and Mudflap then hi fived each other. "But they still have the spell." said Fluttershy. "Optimus scanned the spell." Twilight explained. "Princess Luna still has the original page." "Unfortunately That's the bad news I never got to tell anybody." They all turned to See Luna enter the tent.

Luna had a sad look on her face. Twilight trotted up to her. "What's wrong Princess Luna?" Luna sighed. "Well Twilight. When you and Spike originally read the spell which brought the Autobots here in the first place, It was a one in a million chance you opened the gate to that particular universe. With out a means of finding it again, You could end up anywhere." Today just seemed to be the day of hopes getting dashed. (And that's no pun for Rainbow Dash). Not only that, if Megatron or Chrysalis found this out, There was a good chance they'd come storming back to the palace in a vengence. And once that happened, Well Nobody wanted to think about what would happen if it happened. But then Mudflap thought of something. (Evidently it was also a day for firsts.) "WAIT A Minute." he called out. He rushed over to Luna. "What if you had, You know, like an energy trail or something? Something that came from that Dimension?" Skids was perplexed. It wasn't like his brother to think. "Bro What are you getting at?" Luna however did seem to understand. "Well I suppose that's an idea. Some sort of energy from your home could trace it." "Yes Mudflap that's a very good idea." Came a voice. It was Celestia.

"PRINCESS!" Cried Twilight rushing up to her. "Your Highness are you alright?" asked Shining. "Sister you shouldn't be out of bed." Luna said worried. Celestia was grateful for everyone's loyalty and concern. "I'm still a bit weary but I'm better then I was." She assured. She looked at Ironhide. "Oh Dear..." She just wished she could say the same for Ironhide. Twilight looked her mentor in the eye and told her about how Rarity and the other Autobots had been captured while Optimus had been forced to surrender himself. Being reminded hardened Spike's determination. "Your Highness we can't let them get away with this." Twilight stated. "Gotta save Rarity, We gotta save Optimus. We gotta.." "Rest Assured Twilight we will take action." She then turned back toward Ironhide. "But we will have to act fast. Ironhide needs help now. Now Mudflap can you provide us with a means to find your universe?"

" Way ahead of Ya Princess C. I mean Your Highness!" Mudflap corrected himself then pulled out a glowing cube. "This Energon in a solid state. It's our power source." "OF COURSE." Wheeljack shouted. Celestia examined the cube. "Hmmmm. It just might work. OK Let's try it." Wheeljack turned to the twins. "Alright guys. Help me get him up if this works, We'll have to move FAST." They gently picked up Ironhide and slung him over the shoulders. Twilight and The others crossed their hooves and Spike crossed his fingers as Celestia began to recite the spell. Before the spell started, Twilight grabbed her Element of Magic. "If this works. This will open the way for us back here she told them. Celestia finished the spell and all at ounce the portal began to open...


Earth, Jasper Nevada

The fifth day since the vortex and still no answers to how to get Optimus and the others back.  Ratchet had called together a meeting. They all stood in the center of the base. In attendence were Jazz, Prowl, The rest of the Dinobots and recently arrived Ultra Magnus and Springer from the Wreckers. Jack, Miko and Raf watched grimly as Ratchet recapped and reviewed the situation. "So what are you saying Ratchet?" Asked Magnus in disbelief. "That they're gone? There's nothing you can do? YOU GIVE UP?" Ratchet could sense the urgency in Ultra Manus's voice. He had been Wheeljack and Bulkhead's original commander and had worked closely with Optimus in the closing days of the war on Cybertron and He was not about to let them be lost. Neither was Ratchet himself.

"First of All Ultra Magnus!" The frustration Ratchet had suffered from since this ordeal began was oozing in his voice. He got in the Wrecker leader's face. "With All Due RESPECT. I Will NEVER Give up on Optimus and I Would NEVER Give up on Bulkhead and Wheeljack." Jazz tried to steady his friend. "Whoa, Whoa Doc. Easy." Ratchet glanced at his friend and sighed. Then he turned to the children. Miko and Raf both gulped. They had been going over their suppose "Magic" Theory with Ratchet over the past two days and while Ratchet was still not about to toss scientific logic in the dumpster, He couldn't deny that they HAD run out of everything logical. Jack just stared at Ratchet and shrugged. Truth was he really didn't know what to make of it either. But Ratchet knew he had tell the others the most truthful thing he could think of.

Turning back to The Autobots in meeting he told the plain and simple truth. "So far as I can tell you. Whatever that vortex was it did NOT Originate from this universe." "Whoa, there." Springer asked. "You saying that...Ratchet cut him off. "What I'm saying is Springer, Is That if whatever happened has to happen again from wherever they got sent to." Now no sooner did Ratchet say that, There was a sudden flash of light. It had happened again. The vortex was open.

"LOOK!" Miko yelled. "IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN!" Shouted Jack. Raf beamed. "Are They coming back? Are they Coming Home?" "By the AllSpark!" Ratchet was at loss for words. So was Magnus. Just then they heard a noise from the vortex. Something was coming. Confused, Raf Called into the vortex. "Bee?..." Jack listened carefully. From the sound of it, It sounded like a bunch of horses were coming towards them. "What the... And what came out was...Three multi colored miniature horses and a small dragon about a couple of inches shorter then Raf dressed like he was from G IJoe . It was Twilight, Spike, Rainbow Dash and Big Mac. They were gasping for breath. Jack's jaw dropped. Raf's brain shut down. Miko's eyes bulged. Ratchet's thought proccessors were shouting for him to react. "What in the...

Just then Twilight spoke in ragged breaths. "No Time...Pant...To explain. Optimus..In trouble..." "Wait." Jazz asked. "You know Optimus?" But before Twilight could answer Big Mac spoke out. "Ironhide's Hurt. REAL BAD." Ratchet's eyes went wide. "WHAT?" Then they heard loud clanging footsteps coming. Wheeljack, Skids and Mudflap charged through the portal carrying the wounded Ironhide. "WHEELJACK!" Miko cried for joy. "GUYS!" Raf was happy to see the Twins. But Jack stared at Ironhide with horror at the state of their friend. "oh no."shuddered Ratchet Grabbing Irohide from the Twins, He and Wheeljack rushed him to the medical unit. "JAZZ PREP THE CHAMBER. NOW!"


About half an hour later, Ratchet, Wheeljack, Jack and Raf along with Big Mac were standing in front of the restoration chamber as it went to work repairing Ironhide. Ratchet looked at his old friend sadly. Putting Ironhide back together had never been a pleasant job, Especially when he was like this. Jack and Raf were worried too, But all the while it was VERY hard NOT To stare at one of their new brightly colored equine visitors next to them. Which was alright by Big Mac. It was very hard not to stare at Jack and Raf. To him they looked like giant shaved monkeys. Wheeljack decided to break the tension. "Well Ratchet. What's the story?" Ratchet sighed. "The good news is he'll make a full recovery. But it's gonna take a while for the machine to full reconstruct his parts." Then Ratchet turned towards Mac in a "Dr McCoy" Attitude. "Your physicians tried to fix him With DUCK TAPE?!" Mac grinned sheepishly. "Well..when in doubt DUCK IT!"

Wheeljack looked Ratchet in the eye. "EASE OFF DOC! This Colt is the reason Ironhide's still pumping energon. He never quit him and dragged him back to the town BY HIMSELF!" Ironhide spoke from the chamber. "Ratchet. I love ya like a brother. But if you don't give that boy a medal. I'm kicking your can." "Rest now Ironhide." Ratchet insisted. He then looked at Mac. "Big Macintosh was it?" "EeeYup." Said Mac. "Thank you." said Ratchet apologetically. " Big Macintosh?" Raf said to Jack. "I'm taking a wild guess here." said Jack noticing Mac's mark. "But I'm guessing it's an apple reference." They all gave Ironhide a reassuring look and headed back to main hall. Now was the time to make plans.

While Ratchet was consulting with Agent Fowler on the monitor,  Ultra Magnus and the others were listening to Skids and Mudflap tell of Team Primes adventures in Equestria. (With Miko translating their Gangsta talk.) "So there We are. With our own Pony Homies. When suddenly them Combaticon Punk--- blindside us.." While listening to The Twins ramble on Jack and Raf were still trying to make sense of their new brightly colored equine and little dragon visitors. Miko was actually enjoying the experience. "So." She asked Twilight. "Your a unicorn type pony?" "Well Yes." Said Twilight. "UNICRON?!" Jazz gasped. All bots jumped at that name. "NO NO NO!" Miko assured. "UniCORN. Not UniCRON." Jazz, Prowl and whatever bot that hadn't gone to Equestria looked at her skeptically. "There what she is." Miko pointed to Twilight. "Magical horse.Prances around all sparkly." Twilight and Rainbow dash found that a bit stereotypical. "I Don't Prance. I SOAR." And to prove her point, She started flying around the base at warp speed leaving a Rainbow trail behind. "Whoa." Miko stared in awe. "And your name is?" Jack asked though he had a feeling he probably shouldn't have. "The One And Only Rainbow Dash." She declared. Jack and Raf had already heard Twilight Sparkle's name and look at each other with "Gotta be Joking" looks.

Wheeljack shook his head and whispered to them. "Look boys it's only gonna get weirder and more awkward from here. So we're just gonna have to bear with." Wheeljack remembered his initial attitude when he first arrived in Equestria, But He had promised Sweetie Belle they'd set things right and that was what they were gonna do. "Yeah Jack." Miko said. "Don't be such a killjoy." Dash then stopped in mid flight and zipped over to Jack. "Your Jack?" she asked, remembering Arcee's words. "Yeah." said Jack a bit uneasy. Dash looked at Jack and while she knew they were total strangers to each other, Any friend or partner of Arcee was one to her. "Jack." She began. "Arcee just wanted me to tell you that, You were one of the best partners she ever had." Jack was stunned. She had no idea Arcee thought that highly about him. He looked at Dash, then said. "I guess you guys got close eh?" Dash had a sad look on her face as she knodded. While this was all weird to Jack he stepped over to Dash and said. "Thank you. You know. For being her friend throughout all that." Dash's face lit up, then she grinned and said. "Well Partner. No time to waste. We got save Arcee and the others." She then motioned Jack to hop on. "Eh, I'll pass." Jack was quite ready to be THAT open minded.

"So What Your telling me is." Agent Fowler asked on the monitor. "You know Where Optimus is now. You just can't tell me." Ratchet didn't know how to explain this without sounding ridiculous. "You can't keep this Classified." Fowler stated. "Agent Fowler." Ratchet stated it's not so much I can't tell you as it is I'd rather not tell." Fowler was dumbfounded. "Why? Is what ever dimension they went to that horrible? I mean is it monsters? Deadly poison? Brain eating zombies?" For a brief moment Ratchet wished it had been any of those things. "No." Ratchet said flatly. "Then what is it?" Fowler asked. Ratchet looked at the ponies and Spike. "Agent Fowler. PLEASE don't make me Describe!"

While Ratchet was arguing with Fowler, Twilight noticed spike talking to the other Dinobots. Miko, Jazz and Prowl were watching too in disbelief. Sludge, Slag Snarl and Swoop were all listening to Spike as he told them the mission at hand. Twilight couldn't believe what had come over Spike. Her sweet little dragon helper had turned into natural born hero wannabe. "So as you see men." Spike sounded like a General adressing the troop. "Our top priority is to get on board that ship and bust out our buddy Grimlock and save Rarity!" The dinobots all roared in agreement. "Unbelieveable." Prowl stated. "They ignore everybody else in the universe BUT this Little dragon?" said Jazz in stark amazement. Miko grinned. "Guess the little guy can just work magic." Twilight smiled at her in appreciation.

Ratchet had just gotten off the line with Fowler and joined the group. The portal was still open and now was the time to call to arms. The Twins, Dinobots, Jazz, Prowl, Springer, Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, The kids and ponies all stood ready. "Well I've informed Agent Fowler of the situation." "So What's the plan?" asked Jazz. "Plan?" Ratchet said. "The plan is we go there and save Optimus and the others. That's the plan!" Jack stood forward. "I'm coming with you." "Me Too!" said Raf. "Me THREE!" shouted Miko. Ratchet knew bringing the kids would probably be a bad idea. What if they couldn't back? But he knew there would be no arguing with them and the determined looks of their new equine friends solidified that. He shook his head and said "Fine. But just stick to us we don't know what this place is like." Wheeljack thought he probably should warn them about Equestria, But he figured why spoil the surprise.

Ratchet turned to Magnus. "Ultra Magnus would you do the honor of leading us out?" Magnus grinned. "My pleasure Doc." "JAZZ, SPRINGER, PROWL, WHEELJACK TRANSFORM. DINOBOTS: SLUDGE, SLAG, SNARL, SWOOP TRANSFORM." Ratchet transformed to Ambulence mode. "Hop in." With that The kids and ponies rode in Ratchet. Spike rode on the top of Sludge's head. "AUTOBOTS ROLL OUT!" Called out Magnus as he switched to truck mode. With that they charged through the portal. Big Mac gave one last look in Ironhide's direction then galloped off after them.


Ponyville Equestria

Over at the local stage, Shining Armor had assembled a meeting of what troops were left. (Make that what troops who could still walk). Shining stood on the front of the stage while Candence, Fluttershy, Applejack Trixie along with Snips and Snails sat in the corner with Pinkie doodling something. Garble stood behind in the background with his arms crossed watching Soldier boy boy address the troops. And judging by the panicked, fearful wide eyed looks on them it wasn't looking too good. Twilight could get back here with help soon enough.

"Men." Shining declared boldly. "You are here because you are bravest, finest soldiers we have." "WE'RE ALL THAT'S LEFT!" Shouted one Soldier. "And We're darn lucky to have you." Shining said trying to boost their moral. Shining paced back forth in front a large screen displaying images of the Decepticons, particulary Megatron, Chrysalis and the invasion. "As you can see our enemies are ruthless, powerful and armed to the teeth. But we have something they will never have. Heart!" Garble stared slack jawed. This was the best Shiny sides could come up with? Shining then displayed pictures of the Autobots and Rarity. "Men our mission is thus. They have kidnapped our brave comrades the Autobots and one of my sisters dearest friends. Our job is to somehow infiltrate, free the prisoners, and drive the invaders away from our world. Troops I will not lie to you. There will be physical violence. There will be Gun play. There is most certainly the definite possibility Somepony's gonna get killed. And so men I ask you: WHO'S With US?" When the lights went on, All the soldiers were gone, Except one soldier and Derpy who was sitting in the top row munching on muffins not really paying attention. Shining's head hung low. "Great speech Chief." Garble mouthed. "Ya had 'em riveted." Shining shot him a look , then turned to the one soldier in attendence. "Thank you for your bravery soldier." "Too Scared. Can't Move!"

Put off by the troops lack of Courage, Appljack turned Pinkie who was still drawing. "Pinkie girl how could Ya'll be doodling at time like this?" Pinkie stared at her and said. "I'm not doodling, I'm making a rescue plan!" This lifted Shining and Applejack's spirits. "Good Work Pinkie!" Shining commended. "Let's see it." Pinkie proudly displayed her picture. It looked like a child's kindergarten picture with stick figures of what was suppose to be them being shot out of catapult on to what was suppose to be the the Nemesis, which Pinkie had wrote "Bad Guy's ship". Shining grimiced. "Would You take THIS SERIOUSLY!" Applejack demanded. But there was a determined look in Pinkie's eyes and a tear going down her cheek. She really wanted to rescue Bumblebee. Applejack saw the hurt in her eyes and apologized. What could Garble say? At least the wacko pink pony was doing something.

Candence tried to cheer Shining up. "Dear you can't blame.." "I don't blame them. Candence ." Shining told her. "After the nightmare yesterday who can. Even if Twily makes it back with help our options are limited." Garble had had enough. "Oh so we just sit here and tweedle or thumbs....or hooves waiting? Forget that." Shining knew Garble was right. All of the obvious not withstanding, He was not about to quit. Just then Soarin' flew in. "Captain, Twilight's back. She's got reinforcements." "YES!" Shining declared excitedly. "Way to go Baby Sis!" He turned to Candence. "Candi, quick go tell Your Aunts. Help is on the way." As Candence flew off, Shining, Applejack Fluttershy, Pinkie and Garble raced over to meet the new Autobots.

The group and a large crowd that had gathered gathered around the portal. Celestia, Luna and Candence landed along side Shining and the others. At that moment Wheeljack and Ratchet showed up in vehicle mode. The Twins, Jazz, Prowl, and Springer follwed, then a huge rumbling started. Thundering out of the portal came the Dinobots, In Dinosaur form no less. "EXCUSE ME!" Snarl grunted as several ponies bailed out of the way as he and the other stormed pass. "I think they're Grimlock's Team." Pinkie smiled. Applejack rolled her eyes. "Gee Ya Think?" Spike slid off Sludge's head and The kids, Twilight and Rainbow Dash leapt out of Ratchet and the bot all switched to Robot mode. Ratchet looked around at their surroundings. There was no doubt that this was Megatron's handy work.

Well, Jack figured this was gonna be weird and so far, He was right. At 16, and in world such as this, He felt like he was in a little girl's preschool show. Raf was kinda feeling the same way when he saw all the candy colored ponies gawking at them. He and Jack shared uncomfortable glances. This was hardly the place where you would that seemed fitting for two grown boys. (Unless of course that grown boy is a closet case who..Never mind that's being mean). "This is really weird!" Jack whispered to Raf. Miko was actually kind of enjoying it. Then she stormed up to Jack. "Hey. Unless you haven't noticed WE may look weird to them! And take a look at their town." Miko was right. Just looking at the devastated village Jack knew the cons had field day with this place. So he figured it would probably be best to be respectful. Dash then came up to him and said. "Come on partner. Got work to do." "Partner?" gawked Jack. He knew that this pon..pegasus (Though he still couldn't believe he even thought that word) Was Arcee's friend and he was grateful to her for it but this was getting too weird for words.

"So the world the Autobots are protecting is ruled by tall hairless monkeys." Garble observed. "Weeeiiiiirrrrd."  Shining stamped on Garble's foot. "OOOOOOWWWW!" "Be Respectful!" Shining said through gritted teeth. Oooooh. You know Shiny sides Your really.." Candence stepped between the two of them. "Would the pair of you behave! These brave beings have come to help us." If there was one thing could agree with was their own bonds with Candence, The Alicorn who was the love of Shining's life and the one Garble who despite everything STILL Considered her a sister since his early child hood. Garble went over to the Dinobots. When he saw spike he decided to sort of make peace by commending him. "ALRIGHT!" He said ethusiastically as looked at the huge bots. "Check it more of the....Big scary metal Dragon.." He was referring to Grimlock. The Dinobots didn't know what to make of Garble pretty much just ignored him. Garble then Sauntered up to Spike. "Now THIS is what I call reinforcements. Way to Go Spike!" Garble offered a High five, But Spike just shot him an angry scowl. Garble groaned. It was clear the past run in's between him and Spike and his own misdeeds were still fresh in the little dragon's mind. Garble rolled his eyes. "So What? You not talking to me at all now?" Spike pointed to his nose. Garble got that reference. Kicking Chrysalis's and Megadork's butts was gonna be cake compared to trying to mend his ways. He simply grumbled and went to look at the others

Applejack was impressed by the new Autobots. (Despite the weird stares that were going around). The she spotted a familiar face. "Well I'll be." It was Miko! The ACTUAL Miko that was. Not the changeling that lured her and Bulkhead into a trap. Feeling a bit awkward about knowing someone she never even met, Applejack walked up to Miko. "Well..Howdy." "Wow! A Cowgirl pony." Miko said, rather enjoying the irony. "You pull it off good." Applejack smiled at this. she could already see why Bulkhead liked this girl. "Your Miko, Right?" Miko was a surprised this pony knew her name. "Well, Yeah." "Name's Applejack." She introduced herself. "Kinda figured your name be something apple related." Miko joked after observing Applejack's mark. "Your Big Mac's sister right?" Applejack nodded, pretty much guessing how Miko figured that out. "Well anyway." Applejack continued. "Bulkhead and I were friends while he was here. He told me all about you!" "BULKHEAD!" Miko cried. "What happened to Bulkhead?" Applejack pulled her aside. "Come with me. We better talk."

Pinkie glanced around excitedly at their new visitors until she spotted someone special. Her eyes went wide and she squealed with joy. "RAAAAAAAAAF!" Raf looked around dumbfounded. Who around here would know his name? More importantly,why would they scream it so loud and obscenely. He got his answer when Pinkie galloped up and flung her forelegs around him a bear hug around his neck. He gasped for air. "IT'S YOU IT'S YOU IT'S...Oh Wait is it you?" Still hugging him tightly while his face turned an unhealthy shade of aqua, Pinkie pulled out picture Bumblebee had given her of Him and Raf. "YEP IT'S YOU! OH RAF IT'S SOOO GREAT TO SEE YOU!" Raf didn't know who this bizarre pony was or why she would grab total strangers and shove pictures in their faces, but all he wanted to do right now was breath. "OK.." He gasped. "OK...Let...Me go." Pinkie let go of Raf and beamed at him. Raf eyed his strange new acquintence. "Gee Your...Really Pink." Raf was grown 12 year old boy and like with Jack, This was hardly the type of creature to hang around a 12 year old boy. "I'm Pinkie Pie!" She introduced herself. "Wouldn't have guessed." Raf mouthed. "So I guess you were friends with Bumblebee?" he asked after properly obsereving the picture. Pinkie's eyes began to tear up as she thought about Bumblebee. Raf frowned. He guessed if she was a friend of Bee's she was a friend to him. Despite the obvious.

After introductions were made, Candence arrived with her Aunts. After being informed of what happened at the invasion, A concerned Ratchet asked to examine Princess Celestia. While Ratchet was still new to medicare on organics he knew dark energon exposure when he saw it. "Your lucky you weren't blasted with a energy burst from it directly your highness. If you had, It would have been a lot worse." Celestia was truly grateful for these new bots help. Especially since she was still somewhat weak from the attack. "Thank You Sir Ratchet. I see now why Optimus spoke so highly of you." Ratchet was sort of flustered with the word "Sir" Added to his name. "Um...Well..Just Ratchet will do. your Welcome your highness." Twilight was still confused. "Ratchet, Why would this Dark Energon stuff hurt her or any magical being here to begin with?" Ratchet gave the only answer he could. "Twilight, There is much to Dark Energon that we don't truly understand. Though we do now it has a rather harmful effect on.....on..." "Magic!" Miko quipped in. Ratchet scowled. "On beings that use your particular powers!" He finished flustered. As a Scientist, Rathcet still wasn't about to throw logic out the window. Those who did usually ended up in a rubber room. "DUDE!" Miko stated. "Look at where You Are! Think outside the box!" Applejack laughed she was liking this girl more and more.

While Ratchet was still try to get his equipment organized. Twilight approached him. "I'm sorry Ratchet. Optimus surrendered himself and the Matrix to save us..." Ratchet cut her off politely. "Optimus values all life Twilight. He would have done the same for anyone else." Ratchet decided to try and cheer her up. "Besides I am sure he had a plan. Only A Cybertronian and one of Noble spark and mind can use the Matrix. Chrysalis will not be able to absorb it's power." Twilight's face lit up. "So we still have a chance!"

Soon the heroes were all gathered outside the castle. Even with the state it was in Jack still felt like he was next to a giant doll house. But he kept his mouth shut about it Ratchet had a new mini Computer set up and now had the Nemesis location pinpointed. Only
thing they needed now was what they had been trying to come up with for hours now. A Plan.

"Can't you just..Well..You know...Poof us on there?" Miko asked trying to be polite. Celestia and Luna smiled gently and sadly shook their heads. "Unless we knew exactly where to put you. You could end either a thousand feet above the ship or below it." explained Celestia. The group was still racking there brains trying to come up with an answer. "As it stands. Swoops and Springer our only flyers." Ratchet explained. "And While I like you guys and all. even all the Pegsi in Equestria wouldn't be able to carry you guys." Rainbow Dash explained. Ratchet then had a solution. "Then there's only one option. Groundbridging!" The Ponies, Spike and Garble were confused. "Are You sure Ratchet?" Asked Raf. They didn't have the groundbridge with them and there was no way to travel back to Earth and lug the whole thing back here.

"Hold It." Garble shouted. "Time Out! What the Flaming heck is a Groundbridge?" Jack stepped up and explained. "It's kind of a teleportation tunnel. The Autobots use it to travel around the world." Garble sorta got it. Ultra Magnus had doubts. "Ratchet, We don't even have the materials here to build a groundbridge." Ratchet sure wished they let him finish. "No we don't Ultra Magnus. Which is why we'll be using the Decepticons' Groundbridge!" Everybody gasped.

"Hold it, Hold it!" Skids said. "Ratch, Has Your brains gone on the cooker?" The twins had joined back up with Snips, Snails and Trixie, And their pony homies were starting to wonder if he was right. (Another first!). Jack was dumbstruck by Ratchet's idea too. "Ratchet what are you talking about?"  Ratchet looked everybody straight in the eye. "Somehow, someway, Someone is going to have to sneak aboard the Nemesis and activate the Groundbridge portal to here! Then we storm through and catch them off guard. While the battle is going on, One of you...Equine beings...Will have to use the ....spell. (He couldn't believe that word came out of his mouth.) to send them back to Earth. Problem is How to get on board the Nemesis with out Of the Decepticons or those bug creatures you spoke of knowing what's going on." This was a problem. Swoop may have been the fastest Dinobot, but being as destructive and beligurent as the rest of them he wasn't cut out for stealth. And even if Rainbow Dash swore to be a quiet as a mouse there was no way she would be able to operate the machine. Celestia was still too weak, Plus Chrysalis would sense her or Luna coming a mile away. All the while, the new, warrior mode Spike was easily dragging in something large with one hand. "I got an idea." He called out. "What is it Spike?" Twilight was still stunned by the change in her friend. "Ever Heard of the Trojan Horse?" Spike stated as he plopped the thing he was dragging in front of Ratchet.

Ratchet was stunned. Though out of commission and dented it was an almost intact body of a Vehicon flyer from one of the battles. Ratchet carefully examined the drone. "By the Allspark!" He whispered as the plan came together. "It just might work." "What is it Ratchet?" Asked Raf. "It would only require a few modifications, But I believe I can get this Vehicon drone to function in the same way as an Exo suit. Like the Apex armor!" Every bot, pony, Dragon and Human's face lit up like a Christmas tree as they figured it out. "So that way, that person can sneak into the control room and activate the bridge!" confirmed Raf. "HOORAY!" Cried Pinkie. "Of course there's still the other question. Who's gonna do it?" Ratchet asked. Before anybody could say anything, Spike stood up and said. "I'll do it!" He said bravely. Twilight gasped, So did Dash and the others even Shining, Garble however was quite impressed. But still..

"Spike No!" Twilight stated. "Don't try and talk me out of it Twilight." Spike said boldly. Shining came up to Spike and Said. "Spike, You wouldn't even know how to operate the machine." Ratchet could see the worry in their eyes and said. "Don't worry. I can make comlinks and talk him through it. Spike Is the only one her with the body to fit in the drone." Dash was in disbelief. "Your just gonna let our buddy waltz on to that warship alone?" "He won't be alone." Ratchet stated. "That's only one part of the plan. Once Spike's let in a small strike team will follow him in and try rescue Optimus and the others while Spike tries to activate the groundbridge."

"Strike team?" Applejack asked. "I thought Swoop was the only flyer you guys had." Said Rainbow Dash. "He's the only Flyer WE have." Ratchet stated. "But not the only Flyer YOU have!" Dash grinned at this. But Celestia voiced her concern. "I'm sorry but sending Rainbow and any other pegsi into... Ratchet politely cut her off. "It's gonna have to be Rainbow dash or any other with wings. The Decepticons can track our energy signatures and they'd be what they least expect." With a determined look on his face Jack stood up. "Then I'm going too." Ratchet shook his head. "Jack I don't think.." But Jack insisted. "I have to go Ratchet. I know where the holding cells are." Ratchet didn't like it but he knew Jack was right. "Then I'm Going As Well!" Shining Stated. "Then so am I." said Garble. "WHAT?!" Spike and Shining shouted in unison. "Like I said before." Garble stated. "If Chrysalis is going down, It's gonna be by Dragon's Claws!" "NOW HOLD ON!" Shining shouted. "Judging by the way you acted during the invasion, You don't have ANY Real combat knowledge." "OH YEAH SHINY SIDES!" Garble held up his elbow showing a few scars. "Gryphon." He held up his other elbow. "Bull." He pointed to his back. "Query Eel." "What did I tell you about picking fights?" Candence scouleded. Garble rolled his eyes. All this time and the girl never missed a beat. "They Jumped Me!" He whined. "All of Them?" asked Dash skeptically. "Well...9 times out of 10!" "Brawling does not count as.." Garble cut Shining off. "Look here Soldier boy I..." "THAT'S ENOUGH!" Shouted Candence. Shining and Garble grumbled and shut up. The Candence grinned. She had an idea. "You know what, I have a great idea. Make nice You two. Because as of now, Your Partners!" "WHAT?!" Shining and Garble shouted. Celestia liked this idea. "Considered an order. Captain." Shining and Garble grumbled. Now They were stuck with each other."

"I'm going as well!" said Twilight. Now Shining really didn't like this. "WHAT? Twily No. I'm not about to let my baby sister..." Twilight looked her brother in the eye and yelled."I Want to Save Optimus and You need someone to preform the spell and most of all. Dear Brother. I'M NOT A BABY ANYMORE!" Shining was taken aback. He looked at Twilight who had stern look on her face. Turned to Candence, turned to Celestia, Then sighed. He knew there was gonna be no talking his little sister out of this. Mom And Dad were gonna ring his neck. Celestia smiled at how her star pupil had grown. Fluttershy mustered up what nerve she could and volunteered as well. "I...Want to go too!" Everyone was stunned. Fluttershy? Sweetest, Nicest, Gentlest pony in the land? Volunteering for what was basically a violent suicide mission? "Are You sure Fluttershy?" Twilight asked. "Arcee was my friend too. And besides someone's gonna have to fly you if Rainbow Dash is flying Jack." "WHOA WAIT WHAT?" Jack was stunned. Working with magical pixie horses was one thing, But Riding one? This was something that could ruin his manhood. But Dash had already flung a friendly fore leg around him. "You got it Partner!" Jack groaned.

Ratchet had to admit this was an  unlikely team, but it was gonna have to do. Ultra Magnus still had concerns. "Ratchet even if they manage to pull this off and open the groundbridge, Mounting a full attack on the Nemesis." Magnus had a right to be worried. Even if they freed Optimus and the others, With Both Decepticons and Changelings, They be hopelessly outmatched. "The Battle will keep the Decepticons on the ship until Twilight can preform the .Ratchet grumbled. "Spell!" "Well, Who says your Outmatched?" Soarin stated. Trixie, Snips and Snails stood up as well. "We're in too!" she declared. "Even if this does sound Death head stupid." Twilight grinned. "Well I Say WE DARE TO BE STUPID!"

With that Cheers rose up. The autobots grinned. "Well What are we waiting for?" Ultra Magnus declared. "Indeed. We have work to do!"

To be continued
Chapter 12 in progress

Next Chapter training and preperation begins

Bots rush through the portal- [link]

When Twilight says Dare to be stupid [link]

Next chapter [link]
© 2012 - 2024 Gojira012
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Vicks-Ryokenichi's avatar
more then meets the eye, dare to be stupid whats next? you got tha touch? lerning half the battle? or give um tha care bare stare? LOL